Hansjörg Eichler Scientific Research Fund

This fund, named in honour of Hansjörg Eichler, supports Australasian systematic botany research and the career development of ASBS members through small research grants. From 1997 to March 2024, ASBS has distributed $232,801 to 98 successful recipients, almost all of whom were students.
This funding scheme was established in 1992, and grew significantly between 1994 and 2011, due to generous contributions from Mrs Marlies Eichler. It continues to be supported through ongoing tax deductible donations from members and supporters.
There are two rounds of funding offered each year, with applications due on 14 March and 14 September. See below for further details.
Grant Details
These grants aim to support research in systematic botany and the career development of ASBS members by providing funds for specific research projects.
For the purpose of this fund, Australasia is defined as the area including Australia, New Zealand, New Guinea (including Papua New Guinea and Irian Jaya), and the islands of Melanesia (including Fiji, Vanuatu, the Solomon Islands, and New Caledonia).
The Hansjörg Eichler Scientific Research Fund is for research projects focused on the systematics of land plants, algae or fungi. This can include studies of taxonomy, phylogeny and biogeography.
Grants are open to applicants who meet the following criteria:
- The applicant is a current financial member of the Australasian Systematic Botany Society.
- The project contributes to Australian systematic botany (including land plants, algae, and fungi). The Australian Tax Office (ATO) confirms that projects that demonstrate an impact on understanding the flora of Australasia (as defined under the Aim) are eligible regardless of where the work is undertaken or the taxonomic group involved.
- The applicant is attached to an Australasian research institute (in the very broadest sense, including herbaria, universities, and government agencies). Students not formally registered or attached to an Australasian institution may provide evidence in the form of a collaboration letter signed by a researcher based in an Australaisan institution.
- The project is approved by an appropriate manager or director, and in the case of students, also by a supervisor.
- The project must be carried out within Australasia (see definition provided at the top of this page).
All ASBS members can apply; however, students, recent graduates, newly-established botanists and non-salaried researchers will be given preference.
Size and duration of grants
The maximum grant awarded will be A$5000.
The maximum amount available for all grants in any one year will be determined by ASBS Council before applications are called. The Research Committee may decide to make one or more awards in a particular round. If no proposal is of a suitably high standard, no grant will be made in that round.
Some examples of project costs that can be funded by this grant include consumables, travel and other costs associated with fieldwork, contracted services such as DNA sequencing, etc.
Large capital items, the publication of journals and books, and the attendance at research conferences cannot be funded by this grant.
Grant applications will close on 14 March and 14 September each year. Funding for successful applicants will commence generally in May and November, respectively, after the completion of necessary agreements. Successful applicants are published in the ASBS newsletter in June and December.
Assessment criteria
Applications will be assessed on the quality of the applicant and the proposed project. Applications will be judged on: research track record of the applicant, relative to opportunity (40%); merit and planning of the research project (40%); and value for money (20%), which includes the value of the grant in supporting the activities of the recipient, and the nature of additional research the grant will facilitate.
Guidelines for completing your application
The Hansjörg Eichler research grants are competitive. Proposals are viewed against other submitted proposals. Therefore applicants should prepare their proposals carefully and completely. The following will be taken into account in assessing proposals:
- The academic standing of the applicant, including brief personal details, academic record (undergraduate as well as postgraduate, including honours awarded), and institution where the project will be carried out.
- Evidence of the applicant’s ability to carry out the project, such as relevant experience with the techniques, previous experience in carrying out research and any publications (published or accepted only). In cases of excessive completion times for previous projects and/or study programmes, or failure to achieve reasonable outputs (e.g. publications), justification should be provided.
- A project that is clearly defined in scope and will preferably result in a publication. For those applicants applying for funding for work which is part of a larger project, such as a PhD, preference will be given to those applications which specify a particular, well circumscribed part of the project which will be wholly funded by the grant.
- The scientific and/or theoretical merit of the proposal and the likelihood that it will make a worthwhile contribution to Australasian systematic botany.
- Details on how the project specifically addresses any strategic actions in the decadal plan for biosystematics and taxonomy in Australasia.
- Identification and proper budgeting of the particular aspect of the project that funding will make possible, rather than a request for partial support of a large project. Preference will be given to applications that request funding to enable the extension of a project into some new and worthwhile area.
- The feasibility of the project being carried out within the proposed timetable and with the available resources.
- The soundness of the proposed methodology and planning of the work schedule. A brief yet sufficiently detailed justification of the selected method should be included to allow assessment of its suitability, as well as an appreciation of the applicant’s knowledge of its its strengths and weaknesses.
- References and a publication list may be attached to provide additional information.
An example proposal which meets all the criteria is available < example >. For details of other types of research projects that have been funded in the past, please see the list of Previous Recipients below.
Grant conditions
Recipients and their institutions must be able to agree to our standard grant conditions.
Within 12 months of the grant being issued, recipients must send the ASBS Vice President:
- a brief summary of the project for the Australasian Systematic Botany Society Newsletter, and
- a table and statement detailing how the money was spent.
For examples of project summary reports from previous projects, please see the list of Past Award Recipients.
Application form
This grant application form or a reasonable facsimile must be completed in sufficient detail to provide a ‘stand alone’ proposal.
Please note: for those applicants who are recent graduates or who have no publication list, a copy of their undergraduate and postgraduate transcripts is required.
Completed applications can be submitted either as .pdf files by email (preferred) or in hard copy to the ASBS Vice President by the deadline.
Frequently Asked Questions
I am not an ASBS member. Can I still apply?
You must be a current financial ASBS member to apply. Applying for ASBS membership is easy – please see our membership page to join now!
What is a "non-salaried researcher"?
A non-salaried researcher is a retired researcher who is still associated with an institution and working on research projects.
Do I have to submit my academic transcripts along with my application form?
Those applicants who are recent graduates or who have no publication list must submit a copy of their undergraduate and postgraduate transcripts. Other applicants do not need to submit academic transcripts.
Who from my institution should sign my application form?
Typically this will be the head of department or the dean at your institution. If you are a student, you will also need the signature from your main supervisor. We recommend that you do this step as early as possible, as it may take time to get the appropriate signatures and unforseen delays could impact your chances of submitting your application by the deadline. We do not need a signature from your university Grants Office, but your institution might require that, and it could take additional time for you to obtain this.
What is the purpose of the final report?
These reports are extremely important to the Society and our efforts to continue supporting quality research with positive outcomes. Eichler reports are read by a broad membership base and help publicise early career researcher profiles in published form. The Society views these as “grant reports with a difference”, which benefit both the recipient as well as the Society.
When is my report due?
The report is due one year from the date the grant is awarded.
What should be in my final report to ASBS? What is the format and length of the report?
The conditions of the grant state that the report should be a brief summary of the project. In general, the report should outline the goals, outcomes and challenges of the funded research project. The report should detail the main aims of the project, and what specific results were achieved using the funds from the grant. The report can also outline any challenges that were encountered in the lab, field or herbarium over the course of the grant period, and what new skills or knowledge were learned from these experiences. Although some references may be cited, the report is not a peer-reviewed article, and should not be used to publish new results. Awardees are encouraged to let their personality shine in the report and subsequent ASBS newsletter article, and submit at least one photo to support their report. Awardees are encouraged to read some of the many examples of other published reports in previous issues of the ASBS newsletter for ideas and inspiration.
How can I attach photos or other images to my report?
Photos and images should be sent as separate files and should not be embedded within the written report. Figure captions for each image, including photo credits and copyright information where relevant, should be included in the written report.
What should the financial statement look like?
Typically this will be a Word or Excel file, which includes a table and text. In the table, all the relevant costs should be detailed along with their monetary value. One or two paragraphs summarising or explaining these costs should also accompany the table.
Previous Recipients
September 2024
$5,000 distributed
Yuqun Du (University of Melbourne, Australia) Resolve the taxonomy and diversity of Pterosiphonieae in Australasia.
March 2024
$10,640 distributed
- Charlotte Nelson (University of Western Australia, Australia) Phylogenetic placement and population genetics of a new peatland endemic species, Haemodorum sp. (East Northcliffe), based on a molecular assessment.
- Riyad Hossen (University of Melbourne, Australia) Reassessing the Lineage Relationships in Bryopsidales Algae through Phylotranscriptomics.
- Tara Evans (University of Adelaide, Australia) The identification of fossil Brachychiton leaves and their significance in reconstructing the evolutionary history of the genus.
September 2023
$10,000 distributed
- Samikshaben Patel (University of Canterbury, New Zealand) A conservation genomic study of threatened limestone populations of Senecio aff. matatini (Asteraceae).
- Hayden Jones (Massey University, New Zealand) The role of amphidiploid hybridisation in Thelymitra (Orchidaceae).
March 2023
$9,858 distributed
- Declan Blackburn (University of Melbourne, Australia) An investigation of Asteliaceae (Asparagales) systematics based on whole chloroplast genome sequencing.
- Patricia Chan (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) Disentangling Drivers of Diversification: Molecular phylogenomics, historical biogeography, floral evolution, gene flow, and species diversification in Darwinia (Myrtaceae).
September 2022
$7182 distributed
- Ryan O’Donnell (Australian Natiional University, Australia) An integrative taxonomic study of the Pterostylis macrosepala (D.L.Jones) G.N.Backh. complex (Orchidaceae; Pterostylidinae).
Report: ASBS Newsletter 199: 5–11 (June 2024)
- Rachel Atkins (University of Adelaide, Australia) The taphonomy and reconstruction of palaeovegetation and palaeoecosystems around Robertson Cave, Naracoorte, South Australia.
March 2022
$8050 distributed
- Grace Boxshall (University of Melbourne, Australia) The application of diversity arrays technology (DArT) for species complex resolution in Agaricus.
- Paulo Baleeiro (University of Queensland, Australia) Systematics of Eriocaulon L. in Australia: Phylogenomics and Population Genetics.
September 2021
$8,137 distributed
- Frances Guard (University of Southern Queensland, Australia) Hanging by a ‘horse hair’: chasing another species in the Marasmius crinis-equi complex from northern New South Wales.
- Harvey Orel (University of Melbourne, Australia) Molecular phylogeny of Flindersia (Rutaceae) using target sequence capture.
March 2021
$9,800 distributed
- Francis Nge (University of Adelaide, Australia) Systematics, evolution, and diversification of Isopogon–Petrophile (Proteaceae) and allies.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 193: 5–8 (March 2023) - Miriam Slodownik (University of Adelaide, Australia) Environments and adaptations of Tasmanian fossil plant survivors (52 mya) after the end-Cretaceous mass extinction – Chapter 2: Connecting the Mesozoic and Cenozoic fossil records of Gondwanan south polar floras.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 196: 9–12 (September 2023)
September 2020
$10,000 distributed
- Sophie Newmarch (Massey University, New Zealand) Origin and diversification of Libertia (Iridaceae).
Report: ASBS Newsletter 191: 11–14 (June 2022) - Duncan Nicol (University of Otago, New Zealand) The evolution and biogeography of the subtribe Celmisiinae and the Celmisia subgenus Lignosae.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 191: 8–10 (June 2022)
March 2020
$9,970 distributed
- Aiden Webb (University of Melbourne, Australia) Phylogenetic inference of Caesia and Corynotheca (Asphodelaceae) and taxonomic clarification of an Australian species complex, Caesia parviflora.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 191: 4–8 (June 2022) - Luis Williamson (University of Adelaide, Australia) Evolution of Australian sundews—the genus Drosera.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 188: 22–25 (September 2021)
September 2019
There were no successful applicants in September 2019.
March 2019
$10,000 distributed
- Raees Khan (University of Adelaide, Australia) Biogeography, genetic diversity and evolution of the Australian endemic Podocarpus lawrencei Hook.f.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 185: 35–37 (December 2020) - Weixuan Ning (Massey University, New Zealand) Phylogenomic analysis of New Zealand polyploid Azorella.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 185: 38–41 (December 2020)
September 2018
$5,000 distributed
- Bohao Dong (The University of Waikato, New Zealand) Systematics and taxonomic review of New Zealand Pittosporum Banks & Sol. ex Gaertn. (Pittosporaceae).
Report: ASBS Newsletter 185: 30–34 (December 2020)
March 2018
$4,980 distributed
- Francis Nge (The University of Adelaide, Australia) Species delimitation in Banksia (Proteaceae): revisiting the unified species concept.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 181: 29–31 (December 2019)
September 2017
$9,970 distributed
- Nicole Foster (The University of Adelaide, Australia) Understanding changes in the biodiversity of coastal plant communities through time.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 177: 18–20 (December 2018) - Elizabeth Joyce (Australian Tropical Herbarium and James Cook University, Australia) Phylogeography of the Aglaia elaeagnoidea complex: resolving taxonomy and reconstructing biogeography.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 182: 27–30 (March–June 2020)
March 2017
$10,202 distributed
- Amelia Boxshall (The University of Melbourne, Australia) Investigation of the southern Australian members of the mushroom genus Agaricus L. in a phylogenetic context.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 182: 22–26 (March–June 2020) - Patricio Saldivia Perez (University of Otago, New Zealand) Molecular systematics and taxonomy of Celmisia group (Asteraceae: Astereae) with emphasis in the genus Celmisia Cass. subgenus Lignosae (Allan) Given.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 178: 27–29 (March 2019) - Matilda Brown (University of Tasmania, Australia) Out of place: anomalous assemblages of conifers and evolution of the climatic niche.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 177: 15–18 (December 2018)
September 2016
$9,690 distributed
- Sophie Carter (University of Waikato, New Zealand) Systematics of New Caledonian Cryptocaryeae Nees (Lauraceae).
Report: ASBS Newsletter 173: 23–24 (December 2017) - Selen Saeideh Mashayekhi (National Herbarium of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia) Molecular systematics of the Australian genus Corunastylis Fitzg. (Prasophyllinae, Orchidaceae).
Report: ASBS Newsletter 180: 3–6 (September 2019)
March 2016
$4,672 distributed
- Alyssa Weinstein (Australian National University, Canberra, Australia) Cryptic speciation within the genus Drakaea: can combining genetic analyses, floral chemistry, and pollination data provide taxonomic resolution?
Report: ASBS Newsletter 184: 14–17 (September 2020)
September 2015
$6,000 distributed
- Charles Foster (University of Sydney, NSW, Australia) Molecular systematics and biogeography of Pimelea. (Thymelaeaceae).
Report: ASBS Newsletter 174: 4–6 (March 2018) - Maren Preuss (Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand) Biodiversity of red algal parasites from New Zealand.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 170: 4–6 (March 2017) - Heather Merrylees (The University of Melbourne, Vic, Australia) Phylogeny, classification and phylogeography of the Acacia myrtifolia group.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 181: 33–36 (December 2019)
March 2015
$5,500 distributed
- Tim Collins (University of New England, NSW, Australia) Rare and endangered Eucalyptus magnificata L.A.S. Johnson and K.D. Hill (Myrtaceae): genetic diversity and taxonomy.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 171: 6–7 (June 2017) - James Clugston (RBG Sydney, NSW, Australia) Identification of Cycas species in Australia using leaf cuticle micromorphology.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 184: 18–20 (September 2020) - Catherine Clowes (The University of Melbourne, Vic, Australia) Spyridium parvifolium (Rhamnaceae): an investigation into the species phylogeny, morphology, genetic diversity, phylogeography and ecology.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 166: 9–12 (March 2016)
September 2014
$3850 distributed
- Janet Gagul (James Cook University, Qld) Systematics and evolution of the genus Elaeocarpus L. (Elaeocarpaceae).
Report: ASBS Newsletter 167: 4–8 (June 2016) - John Thompson (Queensland University of Technology) Systematics of the Ancistrachne group (Panicoideae, Paniceae, Neurachninae) using morphological and molecular data.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 171: 7–8 (June 2017)
March 2014
$3033.55 distributed
- Ben Anderson (Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority, WA) Next-generation sequencing for multilocus species delimitation in the Triodia basedowii E.Pritz. species group.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 172: 6–8 (Sept 2017) - Melodina Fabillo (Queensland University of Technology) Systematics of Tripogon (Poaceae; Cloridoideae) using morphological and molecular data, with emphasis on the Australian taxa.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 173: 25–28 (December 2017)
September 2013
$3949 distributed
- Margaret Stimpson (University of New England) Fieldwork and phenetic analysis resolve species limits in the Banksia spinulosa complex (Proteaceae) from central Queensland.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 161: 44–46 (December 2014) - Elizabeth Joyce (University of Western Australia) Resolution of taxonomic boundaries within the Tetratheca hirsuta complex.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 161: 40–44 (December 2014)
March 2013
$6000 distributed
- Megan Hirst (University of Melbourne) Phylogenetic and morphological approaches in a key Australian plant genus, Brachyscome.
- Emma Lewis (University of Melbourne) Systematics and phylogeography of Duboisia myoporoides (Solanaceae).
- Todd McLay (University of Melbourne) Investigating species limits and hybridisation in grass trees species (Xanthorrhoea; Xanthorrhoeaceae) in New South Wales and Queensland: A next generation sequencing approach.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 175: 13–16 (June 2018)
September 2012
$3950 distributed
- Charles Foster (University of Sydney) Systematic relationships within Logania (Loganiaceae): how do they relate to geological history of Australia?
Report: ASBS Newsletter 164: 2–3 (Sept 2015) - Jessie Prebble (Massey University) A population genetic approach to species delimitation in the Myosotis pygmaea (Boraginaceae) species complex.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 172: 3–5 (Sept 2017)
March 2012
There were no successful applicants in March 2012 (See ASBS Newsletter 151: 1 (2012))
September 2011
$2000 distributed
- David Meagher (University of Melbourne) Diversity, endemism and biogeography of the bryophyte flora of Lord Howe Island.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 157: 54 (Dec 2013)
March 2011
$2000 distributed
- Rose Barrett (University of Melbourne) Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of Zieria (Rutaceae), using chloroplast and nuclear DNA markers.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 166: 7–8 (March 2016)
September 2010
$4000 distributed
- James Ingham (The University of Queensland) Multi-locus species delimitation of the Macrozamia plurinervia complex. (Zamiaceae)
Report: ASBS Newsletter 155: 11–12 (June 2013) - Caroline Puente-Lelièvre (Australian Tropical Herbarium, Queensland) Phylogenetic assessment of pollen morphology within the Styphelia–Astroloma clade (Styphelieae, Styphelioideae, Ericaceae).
March 2010
$4000 distributed
- Sarah Fayed (University of Tasmania) Understanding the dramatic differences in Heliciinae genera (Proteaceae) using basal Australasian taxa.
- Mark Wallace (University of Western Australia) The development of low-copy nuclear DNA for the study of hybridisation in the Lepidosperma costale species complex.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 155: 13–16 (June 2013)
September 2009
$2000 distributed
- Kerry Gibbons (University of Sydney) Phylogeny of Loganiaceae tribe Loganieae, using chloroplast and nuclear ribosomal sequence data.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 166: 5–7 (March 2016)
March 2009
The Hansjörg Eichler Research Fund did not offer grants in March 2009 (see ASBS Newsletter 137: 25 (2008))
September 2008
$4000 distributed
- Iain Moore (University of New England) Species limits and phylogenetic relationships within Australian Bulbine Wolf (Asphodelaceae).
Report: ASBS Newsletter 156: 14–15 (Sept 2013) - Laura Shirley (University of Melbourne) Genetic variation and systematic relationships of closely related stringybark eucalypts endemic to the Grampians National Park, Victoria.
March 2008
$4000 distributed
- Andre Messina (LaTrobe University) A taxonomic assessment of Olearia sect. Asterotriche using morphological, molecular and chemical data.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 155: 8–11 (June 2013) - Robert Edwards (University of Queensland) Systematics of two closely related morphospecies of the broadleaf paperbark complex: Melaleuca argentea and M. fluviatilis.
September 2007
$5,828 distributed
- Trevor Wilson (RBG Sydney/University of Sydney) The evolution of bird pollination in the Australian Mintbush (Prostanthera – Lamiaceae).
Report: ASBS Newsletter 155: 5–7 (June 2013) - Adib Jamiran (University of Melbourne) Variation and taxonomy of the legume Paraserianthes, a relative of the Australian acacias.
- Helen Jolley (RBG Melbourne/University of Melbourne) Delimiting the species boundaries within Crossidium davidai Catches and Tortula atrovirens (Sm.) Lindb. (Musci: Pottiaceae).
March 2007
$6,000 distributed
- Margaret Heslewood (RBG Sydney/University of Adelaide) Phylogeography and biogeography of genera in the family Cunoniaceae in Australasia.
- Jacinta Burke (University of Melbourne) Systematics and taxonomy of Subtribe Dendrobiinae (Orchidaceae).
Report: ASBS Newsletter 138: 2-6 (March 2009) - Melita Baum (Australian National Univeristy) Variation within the monotypic genus Howittia (Malvaceae) using morphological and molecular data.
- Trisha Downing (University of Melbourne) Investigating genetic and morphological variability in the holly grevillea, Grevillea aquifolium (Proteaceae).
Report: ASBS Newsletter 137: 6-9 (December 2008)
September 2006
$2,000 distributed
- Jasmine Janes (School of Plant Science, University of Tasmania) The ecology and fine scale genetic diversity of Pterostylidinae (Orchidaceae) in Tasmania.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 135: 2-4 (June 2008)
March 2006
$5,000 distributed
- Carlos Parra-Osorio (School of Botany, University of Melbourne) A phylogenetic analysis of the bloodwood eucalypts.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 139: 2-6 (June 2009) - Zoë Smith (Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne) Diversity and evolution of the Diuris punctata species complex and their associated mycorrhizal fungi in Victoria.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 136: 16-21 (September 2008) - Robert Lamont (University of the Sunshine Coast) Now you see it, now you don’t: will the Sunshine Coast’s endangered Allocasuarina emuina be lost to urbanisation or hybridisation?
September 2005
$1,000 distributed
- Claire Marks (University of Melbourne) Evolution of Nicotiana L. (Solanaceae) in Australia.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 130: 4-6 (March 2007)
March 2005
$3,000 distributed
- Hannah McPherson (University of New England) Phylogenetics and Evolutionary Dynamics of the Tremandroid Elaeocarpaceae – Tetratheca and allies.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 126: 20-21 (March 2006) - Matthew Renner (University of Sydney) Character State Evolution and Homology within the Lejeuneaceae (Hepaticae): What Can Australian Species Tell Us?
Report: ASBS Newsletter 146: 10-14 (March 2011) - Tony Roberts (James Cook University, Cairns) An Investigation into the Molecular Phylogenetics of Jedda multicaulis (Thymelaeaceae).
Report: ASBS Newsletter 130: 6-8 (March 2007)
A total of $2,000 distributed
- David Maynard (University of New South Wales / Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney) A molecular phylogeny for the genus Elaeocarpus (Elaeocarpaceae) in Australia and the systematics of a putative new taxon.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 126: 17–19 (March 2006) - Jillian Walsh (University of Sydney) The ecology and taxonomy of Fusarium species associated with Australian grasses.
$2,000 distributed
- Adele Gibbs (University of Melbourne) Phylogeny and biogeography of the eudesmid eucalypts – DNA sequencing of the ITS region for 10 species.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 124: 2-4 (Sept 2005) - Nicholas Yee (Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney) Phylogenetic status of four undescribed taxa of the marine algal order Sporochnales (Phaeophyceae) from the southern Great Barrier Reef, Australia – Field work component.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 123: 15-17 (June 2005)
$3000 distributed
- Siti Ariati (University of Melbourne) Preliminary DNA work to identify the informative region for the Acacia victoriae group (Mimosaceae).
Report: ASBS Newsletter 120: 13–15 (Sept 2004) - Rebecca Dillon (University of Tasmania) Field trip to collect Proteaceae in north Queensland for anatomical studies.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 121: 11–12 (December 2004) - Greg Guerin (University of Adelaide) Evaluation of microcharacters in Hemigenia/Microcorys (Lamiaceae).
Report: ASBS Newsletter 118: 10–11 (March 2004)
$4000 distributed
- Ann Bohte (School of Botany, University of Melbourne) Floral development and evolution in the “Arillastrum” group (Myrtaceae).
Report: ASBS Newsletter 121: 12–15 (December 2004) - Christina Flann (School of Botany, University of Melbourne) Systematics of Euchiton (Gnaphalieae: Asteraceae) with a focus on Australia and New Zealand – molecular component.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 113: 18 (December 2002)
Supplement: ASBS Newsletter 121: 10–11 (December 2004) - Nikola Streiber (University of Sydney and the Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney) Systematics of Chloanthaceae (Lamiaceae) – molecular studies.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 120: 15–18 (September 2004) - Xiufu Zhang (University of New England) Spikelet morphology of Schoeneae (Cyperaceae) – SEM studies.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 118: 11–12 (March 2004)
$3000 distributed
- Bryan Mole (School of Botany, University of Melbourne) A systematic and biogeographic analysis of Phebalium and related genera (Rutaceae) – SEM studies.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 118: 7–10 (March 2004) - Jürgen Kellerman (School of Botany, University of Melbourne) The generic limits of the Australian Rhamnaceae – molecular studies.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 110: 2–3 (March 2002)
Addendum: ASBS Newsletter 111: 5 (June 2002) - Mary Gandini (University of Townsville) Population biology and taxonomic status of Rhododendron lochiae F.Muell.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 111: 5 (June 2002)
$3000 distributed
- Ainsley Calladine (James Cook University, Townsville) Evolution and biogeography of the Australian Loranthaceae – molecular studies.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 121: 9–10 (December 2004) - Dean Nicolle (Flinders University of South Australia) Chloroplast DNA variation in Eucalyptus Series Subulatae.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 108: 6–7 (September 2001) - John Hodgon (University of New England, Armidale) Systematic studies in Lepidosperma (Cyperaceae: Schoeneae)
Report: ASBS Newsletter 105: 26–27 (December 2000)
$2750 distributed
- Ryonen Butcher (University of Western Australia, Perth) A systematic investigation of Synaphaea (Proteaceae).
Report: ASBS Newsletter 101: 17–18 (December 1999) - Edward Cross (University of New South Wales, Sydney) The generic limits of Olearia (Asteraceae, Asterinae).
Report: ASBS Newsletter 101: 18–19 (December 1999) - Jim Mant (Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research, Canberra) A phylogeny of Triodia and related genera (Poaceae: Triodieae) based on morphology, leaf anatomy and nrDNA sequence data.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 102: 5–6 (March 2000)
$2000 distributed
- Marco Duretto (Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne) Seed testa structure and leaf anatomy of tribes Boronieae and Zanthoxyleae (Rutaceae, subfamily Rutoideae).
- Nikolas Lam (University of New South Wales) Reassessment of Baeckea s.l. using molecular data.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 96: 6–7 (September 1998) - Bernard Pfeil (University of Sydney) The systematic and phylogenetic implications of trichome variation in subgenus Monocalyptus.
(The applicant was subsequently unable to take up this funding). - Elisa Raulings (The University of Melbourne) Phylogeny, biogeography and pollination ecology in eastern Australian Stylidium.
Report: ASBS Newsletter 97: 26 (December 1998)